University of Nottingham Malaysia Caps Off Model United Nations (MUN) Champions Cup 2024

by | Jun 14, 2024 | News / Interviews | 0 comments

The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) proudly hosted the Model United Nations (MUN) Conference Champions Cup 2024 that took place from 6-9 June 2024 at the Semenyih campus. Organised and executed by UNM’s UN Youth Society, this event saw 105 delegates from different institutions coming together to engage in stimulating debates on pressing world issues simulating a real-world UN conference.

Champions Cup 2024 Crisis and Co-Crisis Directors gathering for a post-event group photo

The Champions Cup 2024 was officiated by Dr Benjamin Barton, Head of School and Associate Professor in the School of Politics, History and International Relations (PHIR), who emphasised the importance of exchanging solutions and ideas to address global problems in a modern and interconnected world. This event was held in the presence of esteemed guests such as Anban Ashlan Raj, Founding President of World Youth Leaders Organisation and recipient of the Diana Award 2022, faculty members and student delegates.

Sharing his enthusiasm for the MUN Champions Cup 2024, Dr Barton said that, “This event showcases exemplary thought leadership, fosters critical thinking, and builds teamworking skills among all our youthful delegates as they speak passionately about the matters at hand. We hope that more students seize the opportunity to partake in future MUN conferences, and that we have the opportunity to continue upholding the importance of youth involvement in discussing international affairs to shape leaders of tomorrow.”

The first MUN conference session opened with the topic of “The impacts and preventative measures for invasive species” under the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) council. Each day, dedicated Crisis Directors incorporated crisis updates upon the delegates to keep discussions fresh. Other issues that were discussed among each council during the event included subjects such as:

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) – The question of the repatriation of cultural property.
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC) – The long-term impact of biopiracy on global security.
  • United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – Addressing the usage of economic coercion by nation states.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) – Healthcare infrastructure rehabilitation in post-conflict areas.
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) – Assessing the problem and impact of child marriages.
  • United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) – Protection of the freedom to vote.

Select student delegates and Chairs from the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Council at the Champions Cup 2024

Student delegates were evaluated based on knowledge and research, public speaking skills, diplomacy and negotiation skills, resolution writing, order and decorum, as well as teamwork and coordination. “Being part of the MUN has been an enlightening experience. Not only has it sharpened my skills on my understanding of global issues and public speaking skills, the collaborative environment and exchanging of ideas has also been eye-opening and inspiring as well,” says Daniel Bin Hafiez, a student delegate from the University of Nottingham Malaysia.

Every year, more than 40,000 student delegates from various educational institutions participate in MUN conferences worldwide. This event was not only a testament to UNM’s dedication to moulding students into future changemakers, but to also reaffirm its vision of creating a generation of young leaders who are geared up to face world challenges with creative expression, positive attitude and a collaborative team spirit.


January 2025